RedArcher Jul 22, 2019 Going to make slight corrections to the Workshop topic and there is another small update waiting for you! Stay tuned!
Going to make slight corrections to the Workshop topic and there is another small update waiting for you! Stay tuned!
RedArcher May 19, 2019 New Taya SORC is almost done. Expect an update to the Workshop topic in a few days.
RedArcher May 13, 2019 Next on the Workshop's list - Taya's map sprite rework. It always bugged me that she looks NOTHING like her art AND battle spriteset.
Next on the Workshop's list - Taya's map sprite rework. It always bugged me that she looks NOTHING like her art AND battle spriteset.
RedArcher May 8, 2019 Finally understood how to make map sprites appear animated, so be sure to revisit my old resources to see how their MS look in action
Finally understood how to make map sprites appear animated, so be sure to revisit my old resources to see how their MS look in action