Added a branch for Elliott if you end up at the church upon entering at Uranbatol instead of in that normal entrance. He'll continue his usual dialogue and continue the game instead of a softlock.
When hastening to fix the battle exit stuff, I missed the item palette(which are tied to it, coincidentally). Barkley's stuff was the only thing affected, so it was an easy correction.
Fixed a game ending bug at chapter 8, entrance tiles were borked, but restored.
Edited Guardiana battle's tile to be non-walkable on a spot that allowed players to end the battle early.
Applied patch to allow +2 in stat boosts instead of the default +1.
What if you could choose the classes of force members as they joined? After some brainstorming, I figured it out and put together what became Horizons. I figured this would be something that would offer tons of enjoyment for those that have always wanted to choose classes for their...