Amazing, there is stuff in that list I hadn't ever considered. I would be interested in adding the graphics made by n0r0nha to my remaster, if you want to share them
to add a new artwork resource, the route from the main page would be:
click on SF1/2 Artwork Releases
click on "Please submit your artwork via this page."
then select one of the categories being Force Members / Enemies & Bosses / NPCs / Weapons / Items / Backgrounds / Misc.
and finally, click...
Glad to see a new mod around!
I'd like to point out that activating exp overflow without a balance change can make the force members overpowered. Since they will gain more levels than expected, and the enemy units won't be able to keep up.
I wish to release a new version (that I'd consider a big update) soon. I just have to make some time to finish it, so I can't really suggest any release date. Thanks for the support!