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Recent content by Keif

  1. Keif

    Karate Catman joins the Shining Force!

    Welcome on in, pal! There's lotsa mods you could try - you could try Tyadran's works, Erikin's works, or my recently released 4 pack. There's loads of stuff.
  2. Keif

    How to share resources?

    You can post a thread to share em, and in the full text editor, you can also animate em slightly like how it's done under other asset releases!
  3. Keif

    Suggestion What are some very simple 'fixes' you'd like to see?

    I'm trying my best to try and get behind simple binary stuff in regards to S.F 1, akin to my fix for the 'game crashes at Naming the Hero' screen, and I was wondering, what are some fixes that YOU would want to see? (Nothing insane like magically fixing all of Extended Characters. I'm already...
  4. Keif

    (Eevee968 joins the Shining Force!)

    Welcome welcome!
  5. Keif

    Force Member Bleu (RoTDD Conversion)

    No problemo! If it helps, bust open the editor and look at Bleu's original colors. Replace his OG blues with someone else's reds/pinks (Tao?) and see how your conversion looks! FYI, if you want faster chat, I've got a discord. Username is keifernhatty
  6. Keif

    Force Member Bleu (RoTDD Conversion)

    This is a fantastic start! If I may give some pointers... With the map sprites, try and have some up and down on the sprites that don't. With the battle sprites, start by outlining Bleu, and then his colors ought to be closer to the darker colors of S.F 1. Other than that, again, fantastic start!
  7. Keif

    Tutorial 'Crash on Character Naming Screen' FIX!

    So, to everyone who has used the editor, many of you at some point or another have come upon the after-mentioned crash when testing your hack; you fly through Simone's text and when she ask's what you do you want to name the Hero, the game suddenly goes black and locks up. This happened to me...
  8. Keif

    Suggestion Friendly Fire

    So basically... just a Friendly Fire Mod? If you have a computer, that's quite easy to do. Just open a ROM in the editor, go to ranges, and change the affected box to Enemies/Allies.
  9. Keif

    Kindan No Hako

    Fusion runs the rando just fine, you just can't do Quick Save States (a common issue with many a ROM hack on there.)
  10. Keif

    Shining Force Alternate

    Here is my proper review of Shining Force Alternate 3.1, as I dropped the hack due to personal reasons earlier this year. As someone who has played 1.0, 2.0 and the minor and major updates, I can say that, hands down, 3.1 feels like an entirely different beast. Just like 2.0 did for 1.0...
  11. Keif

    Shining Force: Boken's Heroes

    I mean, technically they do. It's a matter of using the bin or setting up the hack in the Steam Workshop, given SF 1/2 is through the Megadrive Classics thing, which has a workshop.
  12. Keif

    Shining Force: Boken's Heroes

    They can be used simply by taking the patched .bin and putting it over the one in Steam. Alternatively, just use an Emulator.
  13. Keif

    Shining Force Alternate

    After Ramladu, there's another small thing; 'No go' should be 'Now Go!'
  14. Keif

    Shining Force Alternate

    Arright, back on the grind! Started Chapter 4, here's the next issue; If you die/egress during Elliot, you spawn INSIDE of the priest. Doesn't softlock ya, but it is a funny sight heh
  15. Keif

    Shining Force Alternate

    Alright, so Chapter 3 done! Like the portrait redesigns I've seen. Also, holy moly didn't expect the Quarry Scene; you aren't holding back on the details this time, huh? The team is pretty evenly leveled, and I deliberately died to the Laser Eye to get some extra EXP. Can't wait to kick Hans'...