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Recent content by SonGosun

  1. SonGosun

    Non-Centaur Knights

    As noted with they May Resource, I made a no centaur mod for SF2 once and this is the result. Again, I had some help with the horse from Corsair of the SFC forum. Feel free to use these as you see fit. Knight Idle Attack Defend Paladin Idle Attack Pegasus Knight Attack...
  2. SonGosun

    Force Member Non-Centaur Knights

    SonGosun submitted a new resource: Non-Centaur Knights SF2 Knights and Promotions Edited to be Riding Horses (Click here to view the resource page...)
  3. SonGosun

    Human May

    Back when Shining Force II first started to be hacked via the Caravan I released a No Centaur Mod. (Mostly to test the Caravan utility, but also... centaurs...) Anyways this is the edit of May I released back then feel free to use. If anyone is interested I can make sure she works in SF1 later...
  4. SonGosun

    Force Member Human May

    SonGosun submitted a new resource: Human May May as a regular human :D (Click here to view the resource page...)
  5. SonGosun

    Force Member Warrior Alt Sprites

    Hey thanks! I'm glad to be able to get some of this stuff from just collecting dust on my computer and share it somewhere where it can maybe be used.
  6. SonGosun

    Force Member SFCD Domingo

    SonGosun submitted a new resource: SFCD Domingo Domingo edited form SFCD (Click here to view the resource page...)
  7. SonGosun

    SFCD Domingo

    An edit I did a while back of downgrading the colors of SFCD's Domingo Sprite to be able to insert it back into SF1. Idle Attack/Magic
  8. SonGosun

    Force Member SFCD Mage

    SonGosun submitted a new resource: SFCD Mage Mage edited form SFCD (Click here to view the resource page...)
  9. SonGosun

    SFCD Mage

    An edit I did a while back of downgrading the colors of a Shining Force CD Mage so the Sprite could be to inserted into SF1. Idle Attack/Magic
  10. SonGosun

    Warrior Alt Sprites

    A while back I had thought it would be neat to make Shining Force Battle Sprites more reflective of SFCD. (And to maybe mess better with SF2) Outside of Knight, Mage, and Domingo this was as far I got. I tried to make the warrior smaller to fit those of SFCD, but still reflective of the armor...
  11. SonGosun

    Force Member Warrior Alt Sprites

    SonGosun submitted a new resource: Warrior Alt Sprites An Alternative Sprite for Warriors (Click here to view the resource page...)
  12. SonGosun

    SFCD Knight

    An edit I did a while back of downgrading the colors of a Shining Force CD Knight Sprite to be able to insert into SF1. Idle Lance Attack Spear Throw
  13. SonGosun

    Force Member SFCD Knight

    SonGosun submitted a new resource: SFCD Knight Knight based edited form SFCD (Click here to view the resource page...)
  14. SonGosun


    Here are the Jogurt sprites I did for my old Jogurt Mod. Feel free to use and edit as you see fit. No credit really needed, I just like to see what you did with them. Idle Attack
  15. SonGosun

    Force Member Jogurt

    SonGosun submitted a new resource: Jogurt Jogurt Ready for Battle! (Click here to view the resource page...)