Firstly: An awesome first submission! The palette Sega employed in SFCD is so much more vibrant and fantasy-like, and provides the archers with that extra character (presumably they're quite bright and cheery?).
Secondly: I am also pretty blown away that you were able to pick up how the dynamic...
Very high on the to-do list. Same with Playable Mitula, Creed and Bedoe. Good news is that Mitula is an on-hold-soon-to-be-restarted WIP and Bedoe is 99% complete:
@Lobo RC is confident that the latest editor release fixed the issue, so I fear we may never know. :p
But now you've got me thinking about adding the actor as a jokey playable character... maybe a variant of Max where his stance is off and his attack is all clumsy and wild... hmm.
While we're talking about Lemon - I love his character but the battle sprites were so underwhelming. Why couldn't he have retained his Red Baron stance? Why does his armour change? I'm hoping to get a Red Baron Sprite set done soon.
Becoming more and more interested in the playable Durahan character. Did you design any artwork for this character or can I move this guy higher on my to-do list?
Sounds very in-depth @Lock It Lynx Would be cool to play through the game with a bunch of fresn characters with original backstories. I haven't tried even half of the new character designs yet so would be cool to see how you have envisioned them.
Thanks for the feedback, guys. I prefer a darker theme too - not convinced it really suits the Shining Force vibe but I think we could make it work. Adding and tweaking the new theme would be no great hardship, would probably just need to dedicate an evening to get it properly integrated.
It was @Lobo's idea, to be fair. This all sort of grew from his suggestion to create a separate thread for artwork on SFC. I just sort of took the idea a little further than anticipated. (oops!)
Looks perfect! Just trying to think of a reason to rationalise Earnest joining Runefaust... Something something revenge Balbazak... Something something Darksol manipulates Earnest into doing his bidding in order to get those he lost resurrected?
(Who even did Balbazak kill, I forget. I know it...