Modifications to a clean ROM:
Expanded ROM to 6MB
Extend Characters enabled
Script expanded to 2700 lines
HQ Messages moved to 2500 script region
Nova character stats and sprite values edited
5x new battle sprites added to Sprite index #35
5x new frames added to Animation index #59
Force member...
When altering a Force member's class, if you click outside of the pop-up box and to the right, a non-existent class will be selected, likely a class that would correspond with Extended Classes were it enabled:
Performed on a fresh ROM, Expanded to 6MB, Extend Chars enabled, Extend Classes...
Don't know how I missed this last night - amazing work as always, @Lynx! Your new versions of Jogurt are a huge improvement over Sega's original design.
Lookin' good! The birdmen were always felt better suited to support roles anyway, given how terri-bad their stats are in the late-game when compared to the rest of the melee fighters.
Great work, SG!
@Erikin84 and @Lynx Cheers - I'll let Dan know you guys approve!
Also, there is a boring interesting story behind the design of that portrait.
Back when Boken was designed, the ability to integrate portraits into the editor was much more limited. I can't remember exactly how, but I do recall...
This is an updated set which features a few tweaks and fixes here and there. Anyone using the set I shared on Shining Force Central last year should consider switching to these updated sprites.