Yeah, he’s the first boss that you would need to cast slow/turtle dust on to give your melee characters a chance to do damage on him. If you managed to keep your magic dealers alive he isn’t too hard if you position your troops and whack him with magic
I’m glad your enjoying it! It was...
Corrected an issue with a particular character starting with promoted battle sprite(no idea how that happened, the last couple updated didn't really deal with the character screen that handled that part)
Updated a sentence by Kane for continuity.
Added 2 weapon models, a short sword for maxine to start with and devil lance has it's own model now.
Fixed the land map terrain at the final battle with dark dragon
Increased cost of blaze/aura lvl 4 a little.
Thanks, must have gotten things mixed up when clicking on links to copy over. should be corrected. Steve did update the site so I can upload the zip file directly, but it still tells me that it's too big of a file. So at the moment the download is just a text file with the same link as in the...
Updated the portraits, so all kings have unique portraits
Also fixed the issue where repairing a cracked item crashes the game.
Kinda skipped update b here, i updated over in SFC but forgot to change the page here, my bad :(
Corrected some issues with enemy units not selecting the right sprites, palette fixes.
Updated Jogurt so he properly "promotes" even though he doesn't really promote to anything, you can promote him whenever he reaches 20. I have changed the name of the Jogurt ring to Jogurt Suit, and when you...
Corrected a grammar issue in chapter 8.
Corrected some inconsistency with the map sprites in Guardiana, namely the dog and inhabitant that lives there.
Corrected Maxine using the name "maxine" instead of her given name by the player at chapter 2.
Updated the Mishaela battle, the map was...