Amazing, there is stuff in that list I hadn't ever considered. I would be interested in adding the graphics made by n0r0nha to my remaster, if you want to share them
to add a new artwork resource, the route from the main page would be:
click on SF1/2 Artwork Releases
click on "Please submit your artwork via this page."
then select one of the categories being Force Members / Enemies & Bosses / NPCs / Weapons / Items / Backgrounds / Misc.
and finally, click...
Glad to see a new mod around!
I'd like to point out that activating exp overflow without a balance change can make the force members overpowered. Since they will gain more levels than expected, and the enemy units won't be able to keep up.
I wish to release a new version (that I'd consider a big update) soon. I just have to make some time to finish it, so I can't really suggest any release date. Thanks for the support!
Ivan_Cal submitted a new resource:
Shining Force Final Conflict: Force members battle sprites
A complete collection of how every force member in Final Conflict should look in SF2-like quality.
(Click here to view the resource page...)
Every member, promoted and unpromoted, should be here (if not. i forgot to upload it by mistake). I also have the map sprites, I'll post them when i get some more time.
Disclaimer: the color count is made for a custom game, so it might be necessary to adjust it to fit them into rom hacks...
Hello! that feature was actually removed in later patches, due to it not working consistently. It's in the patch notes, but I can see the confusion after reading the initial description, I'll change the description.