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  1. DiegoMM

    Force Member Rollie SF2

    DiegoMM submitted a new resource: Rollie SF2 rollie the unicorn (Click here to view the resource page...)
  2. DiegoMM

    New assets that match good with sf2

    Hey guys, I just discover that monsters from rpg maker gba goes well with sf2. Sadly they are static. The huge snail I did i got from there and animated it. Erinkin is already working on a animation too. take a look: https://www.spriters-resource.com/game_boy_advance/rpgmaker/sheet/115724/
  3. DiegoMM

    Enemy/Boss Huge Snail

    DiegoMM submitted a new resource: Huge Snail sf2enemy (Click here to view the resource page...)
  4. DiegoMM

    Weapon Wooden club

    DiegoMM submitted a new resource: Wooden club weapon (Click here to view the resource page...)
  5. DiegoMM

    Kiwi Helmet

    Guys im trying to edit kiwi sprite, in the artwork his helmet is sort of golden, but in battle is silver. But I cant get the golden colors look good with the rest of sprite. What you guys think?
  6. DiegoMM

    Kazin should have 2 frames idle animation

    look at this video made when sf2 was in development. You can see that kazin originally would wear blue robe and have 2 frame idle animation. You can see him with a staff the not is in the final game too. And sarah has a hat!
  7. DiegoMM

    Bug in the site

    Someone else experiencing a bug on this site? Sometimes, every click I make go to the alerts part of the site, even if Im trying to use conversation or leave a rating, its like Im always clicking on alerts. Very strange! I use chrome and windows 7.
  8. DiegoMM

    Enemy/Boss Sphinx

    DiegoMM submitted a new resource: Sphinx sf2enemy (Click here to view the resource page...)
  9. DiegoMM

    NPC Granseal Captain

    DiegoMM submitted a new resource: Granseal Captain Npc (Click here to view the resource page...)
  10. DiegoMM

    Everyone wants it, so I request...

    A Minister portrait!
  11. DiegoMM

    Suggestion Request - Evil SpiLit

    I want to make a mod where Evil Spirit (sf2 - creed mansion) is a giant boss. My theory is that he supossed to be a boss but in some moment in the development they changed his role to just a creed support guy. If some of you guys can make a battle sprite of him. He already has map sprites.
  12. DiegoMM

    Which Palette do you prefer?

    Im toying with palette changes to sf2 sprites, I want to know what version you guys prefer, second one is another genesis palette and the fourth one is the original.
  13. DiegoMM

    Force Member Ultra Peter

    DiegoMM submitted a new resource: Ultra Peter phoenix (Click here to view the resource page...)
  14. DiegoMM

    Enemy/Boss Plasma Eye

    DiegoMM submitted a new resource: Plasma Eye sfenemy (Click here to view the resource page...)
  15. DiegoMM

    Enemy/Boss Gorgon

    DiegoMM submitted a new resource: Gorgon sf2enemy (Click here to view the resource page...)
  16. DiegoMM

    Suggestion Request - Nei Second & Diego's favorite Rpg Girls

    I think it cant hurt post here some requests, maybe can inspire Dan or others make it someday. Nei Second - Phantasy Star 2. My most wanted Ditto - Beyond Oasis Pyra - Shining in the Darkness, with Climax Landers outfit. Masqurin - SF3. Junon - Dragon Force
  17. DiegoMM

    Enemy/Boss Wind Elemental

    DiegoMM submitted a new resource: Wind Elemental sf2enemy (Click here to view the resource page...)
  18. DiegoMM

    Enemy/Boss Huge Scorpion

    DiegoMM submitted a new resource: Huge Scorpion sf2enemy (Click here to view the resource page...)
  19. DiegoMM

    Enemy/Boss Another Hydra

    DiegoMM submitted a new resource: Another Hydra sf2enemy (Click here to view the resource page...)
  20. DiegoMM

    Enemy/Boss Devil

    DiegoMM submitted a new resource: Devil sf2enemy (Click here to view the resource page...)