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  1. Xeno

    Everyone wants it, so I request...

    Don't worry about the Minister. If he doesn't have a portrait, it doesn't matter. He's old anyway.
  2. Xeno

    Force Member Kunoichi (creative)

    To be more specific, it was Alones who made that sprite back when the game was known as the SF2 Community Project. @Deerayv Thank you for stopping by. Please tell us, where can we find the Demon Rises mod?
  3. Xeno

    Bugfix: Persistent (De)buffs 1.0

    Bug description: The effect of stat altering conditions, namely, Quick, Slow and Boost, will not truly expire until the player performs an action that causes battle stats to be reloaded, such as viewing a member's status window, equipping items, or leveling up. About this patch: This patch...
  4. Xeno

    Bugfix: Persistent (De)buffs

    Xeno submitted a new resource: Bugfix: Persistent (De)buffs Reload battle stats whenever stat altering conditions wear off. (Click here to view the resource page...)
  5. Xeno

    Difficult Difficulty

    The new "Ouch!" difficulty essentially combines the new Hard mode's Defense with vanilla Super's Attack, so saying that both are increased by 25% over Normal is correct. Now, if you're suggesting that another 25% should be applied on top of that, well... I don't think so :) In fact, I've been...
  6. Xeno

    Suggestion Request - Evil SpiLit

    All of these are plausible, though I figure that if we were to implement him as boss today, #3 would fit more seamlessly. I just wish we had access to a higher resolution scan so we could translate the text. It would also be nice to have as a reference for drawing the actual sprites, seeing as...
  7. Xeno

    Difficult Difficulty

    Xeno submitted a new resource: Difficult Difficulty When difficulty modes aren't difficult enough. (Click here to view the resource page...)
  8. Xeno

    Difficult Difficulty 1.0

    Introduction: Overseas releases of Shining Force II offer a choice of four difficulty modes when starting a new game. The modes and their effects on gameplay are laid out as follows: • NORM. - Same difficulty as the Japanese version • HARD - Same as NORM., with "some AI improvements"...
  9. Xeno

    Suggestion Request - Evil SpiLit

    Oh, c'mon @DiegoMM. We need more people posting in the SF2 section. I'm counting on you :D That said, I'd like to bring attention to this concept art that appears to give weight to Diego's theory of Evil Spirit Spilit having possibly been intended to be fought at some point: Notice how he...
  10. Xeno

    Hi there Shiny Folks!

    I sent @Fandles an invite in private to avoid spambots :)
  11. Xeno

    Hi there Shiny Folks!

    Welcome to SFMods, @Fandles! Regarding a post on limitations of current tools, I guess there isn't such a thing as we'd rather be working on removing those limitations then listing them ;) I suggest to just get the tools for the game you wish to mod and start experimenting. Feel free to ask...
  12. Xeno

    Shining Force 1; 12 Man Marathon V. 1.0.0

    En français, s'il vous plaît !
  13. Xeno

    Enemy/Boss Rune Paladin

    When you consider that Yoshitaka Tamaki designed the art of both games, it suddenly makes sense. :LOL: Excellent porting job, @Erikin84.
  14. Xeno

    Suggestion SEGA GREATS Mod!

    Proceeds to break his neck attempting the ill-advised stunt. The beer? It was Coors Light.
  15. Xeno

    Suggestion SEGA GREATS Mod!

    It'd just be a simple matter of porting Street of Rage's sound engine to the Shining Force disassembly... Hold my beer and watch this!
  16. Xeno

    SRPGs - Trying to find some more to play

    Looks like YOU should be recommending me an SRPG to play! Hmmm, let's see... I don't see Saiyuki: Jouney West on your list. It doesn't have a class system (boo!), instead you recruit characters with pre-defined abilites as you advance in the story, much like in Shining Force. It's pretty...
  17. Xeno

    Shining Force: Movement of the Odyssey

    Glad to hear that you haven't given up. It takes some endurance to bring a project like this to completion, so good job getting this far. Keep in mind that ROM hacking is not a sprint, but a marathon so keep running and bon courage !
  18. Xeno

    SFA Shining Force Alternate

    French dub only, so yeah, that went completely over my head...
  19. Xeno

    SFA Shining Force Alternate

    Ok, I was worried for a moment. I though you may have been blanketed by a thick fog. :confused:
  20. Xeno

    Suggestion SEGA GREATS Mod!

    Ah, but console wars are so 1991. :rolleyes: