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SFA Shining Force Alternate


Captain Awesome
Epic Contributor
Pixel Artist
Reaction score

I am working on a new mod for Shining Force, it’s currently dubbed “Shining Force Alternate”.

What I have envisioned for this is to have the game have only 11 joinable characters that will stick with you for the entirety of the game, they will join throughout the game at certain times, some where they normally have not joined.. Those 11 are made up of hand picked characters I have chosen. I’d tell you who but that would ruin the surprise ;)

There will be some major changes to the story for some characters to fit in my new “alternate” timeline of Shining Force...a lot of the story driven dialogue is being rewritten.

For everyone else that doesn’t join, I’ll have them in the world fulfilling other roles or have some funny/serious dialogue sending them on their way. Some may even have a small story arch.

December 19, 2018
I am nearing the final tweaks into the mods development. I plan to have this mod released within the next couple weeks. So expect a release either end of next week or first week of January.

December 6th, 2018:
Chapter 6 is finished. Rebalanced stats of forcemembers/enemies and other misc. tweaks

November 15th, 2018:
Finished up to 1st battle of Chapter 6.

November 4th, 2018:
Finished first sea battle and the battle at Waral, updated promotion requirements.

October 26th, 2018:
Halfway done with balance, chapters 1-4 completed.

October 14th, 2018:
Balanced game up to end of chapter 3. Added new items and weapons.

September 21st, 2018:
Up to 2nd battle in Chapter 2, added new items for forcemembers.

September 4th, 2018: Changed circumstances for 2 battles. Finished adding in all enemy types. Currently working on balance.

August 24th, 2018: Adding in enemy types, covered most battle pieces. Looking into changing certain battles as far as where they trigger.
August 17th, 2018: Added new enemy types, updated and corrected issues from feedback after play testing.

August 8th, 2018: Finished story, now on to gameplay/items and battles.

July 27th, 2018: Finished prompt and Metapha with new dialogue and small land tweaks. A new sequence for the king’s Events during that initial encounter with him.

July 21st, 2018: Reconstructing the dialogue scripts due to some issues in certain sections. This has given me an opportunity to clean up some older changes i've made while adding new story segments.

July 14th, 2018: Waral has undergone alot of dialogue changes/npc placement, and edited the land around ring reef.

July 8, 2018:
Added new dialogue sections throughout to flesh out certain character arcs and story line.

June 29, 2018:
Been working on sprites and enemy sprites. Some dialogue updates

With the new editor features and this mod steadily growing in scale. I probably won’t be finished this month as originally anticipated. I don’t want to set a time it’ll be done as that may cause me to rush through certain things and I’d rather not do that.
But rest assured I am working more or less non-stop on it. I may start a weekly update just so you guys can get an idea on where I am at in terms of developments.
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that sounds really good *-*
Oh man, this sounds awesome! Very ambitious indeed! I wonder who the 11 joinable characters may be... the 'alternate timeline' idea makes me wonder if perhaps Max may even get swapped out.
There are lots of possibilities :)
Oh, did Lowe make a new friend? :geek:
I'll try to keep both pages updated, here and at SFC... sorry for the long silence on this side
and the work just keeps going....and going...and going...
Ok, I was worried for a moment. I though you may have been blanketed by a thick fog. :confused:
You probably never watched Die Hard have you? It's a catchphrase of the main hero.
French dub only, so yeah, that went completely over my head...
Finally, story is completed and off to gameplay/items and battles!
I felt like Shining Force has a lot of “I hate bad guys, I’m joining the team.” I’m looking forward to this.
Got a good portion of work done this week, and got things more polished after getting feedback after some play testing
I'll be looking forward to your characters since I would like to see what they look like do by their designs.