Firstly: An awesome first submission! The palette Sega employed in SFCD is so much more vibrant and fantasy-like, and provides the archers with that extra character (presumably they're quite bright and cheery?).
Secondly: I am also pretty blown away that you were able to pick up how the dynamic animation works and your formatting looks flawless even though I've been lagging behind on writing a guide.
Edit: If interested, attached to this post is a zip of all of your archer sprites in three folders: 'original', 'sf1_format' and 'sf2_format'. I'll update your Resource page now with the Caravan compatible format in order to sort out the transparency issue. If you feel up to sharing the SF1/SF1Edit compatible sprite set in the SF1 Resources section, that would be awesome but no worries if not. The 'original' folder houses all of your transparent-background sprites.
Cheers again for posting these!
Edit 2: Big misunderstanding on my part - thank you for containing me via Discord and bringing me up to speed. I'll get your resource page reverted back to its original state first thing tomorrow and apply a fix for the transparency issue on the animation preview.