@Steve No problem, in regards to the posts being held up.
Project progress update is down below, and I'm super confident in releasing a build this month. Since I've nearly implemented everything needed for Battle 1 and will likely finish implementing all systems this week. The following week(s) will be focused on cleaning up the resources files, polishing the UI, animations, and then naturally a release.
What sparked your interest in this project
I guess last month I was thinking of replaying SF1, and I'm not sure how but I found the graphic upgrade mods from
@Erikin84. From there I was curious what other tooling and projects existed within the SF space. After a bit of searching and seeing a lot of projects (remakes, engines, etc... seemingly abandoned with last updates like 2 years ago). I thought I could probably take up this kind of project and deliver in a reasonable amount of time. Not to mention I'm just not the kind of guy who can't have a side project or two to work on.
It would be great to learn more about your history with the Shining Force series
I guess it starts with me first having played SF1 on the Sega smash pack on pc, then years later playing SF2. I replayed the games a few times throughout the years and that's about the extent of my history with the series, prior to this project at least.
and some of your programming background.
I originally started programming around 6-7 years ago with C and CPP being my primary programming languages. I mainly focused on native GUI app development and command line tooling, and of course lots of side projects related to emulators, GUI libraries, and graphics in general. Around 3 years ago I went into a more Fullstack developer role. I've been mostly working with stuff like react, rust lang, golang, javascript, typescript, and AWS professionally and on new major personal projects. Funny enough I never had an interest to do game development. I picked up and started using Godot around 3 weeks ago.
Lastly, is there a site we can keep up with your work?
Currently I'm posting all my updates here. I have a made an account on ShiningForceCentral and planned to have a thread going there as well, but all my posts are still in limbo. So I guess sfmods has the exclusive scope. I probably won't make a site, at this point in time it seems unnecessary. I'll probably track features and bugs on the actual repository when I release it, and for general discussions I'll probably follow them on sfmods. Along with whatever other places end up having discussion around this project (just let me know and I'll make an effort to answer questions where ever this ends up being).
### Project Update #2
One note while looking at the gifs below I'm using the shining force cd icons, since I wasn't able to find a shining force 1 all icons rip. If anyone has one please let me know. I'd really like to avoid having to pull each icon out one by one with the SF1Editor.
# Current in game progress
The gif below is just showcasing the turn system. I turned off the enemy turns to keep the gif size small enough to upload. It's also showcasing the magic menu and the inventory menus for the different characters.
Showing that the Tao and Lowe do have different magics, and the field enemy and character selection and details view. The portraits are all Max right now since I haven't cut up the portrait sprite sheet into separate files yet. Same thing with the weapons and magics portions displaying nothing. Since I don't have the files cut up I toggled it to show nothing. The logic is there and ready I just haven't gotten around to creating the resources from the massive sprite sheet rips.
A bit of the current progress implementing the attack and battle scenes. Also still have to finish drawing the mountain portion of the map.
# how to extend and create (teaser)
Here's a few pics on how you (the members) will likely be able to create your own items, characters, resources and extend their logic.
The screenshot below is showing how you'd create and add a new weapon. The fields should be largely self explanatory but I'll be providing additional pages and documentation so its very clear what you can and cant do and how.
Item Name - the name of the item duh
Texture - The image you want to use for the weapon
# Note I'm planning on making this an array so you'll be able to add as many attributes as you want
# want a weapon to add hp take away mp and add attack well now its possible
Attribute - what character or enemy state you want to effect
Attribute Bonus - the amount of the attribute you want to add
key item - prevents the player from dropping it or selling it
price to buy - if you can buy it from stores here's the purchase price
price to sell - if you can sell it how much you'll get
item use range and path - What kind of attack range does this weapon give you is it one space in front 2 spaces 3, 3 outside but not 2 inside.
item use target and path - can you select one emeny, or can you select a cross of enemies ex.
# X 1 X
# 1 T 1
# X 1 X
sell to deals - what it says
usable - can you use the item
will add usable effect - what the use does ex cast blaze, increase attack, etc
chance to crack - what it says
equitable by - what classes can equip this equipment
This is the format for characters and animations as well. Just type in what you want and select what you need and the game will largely handle the rest for you. There's no coding involved just drag and drop what you need and everything should just work.