Update is a little late my apologies i was knee deep in work. Today's update will be talking about a weapon rarity system on top of longer and tougher battle as well as the loosely covering the new heroes that will be joining you on this adventure.
--------------Weapon Rarity's (early concept being worked in gradually)------------------------------------
the concept is simple very powerful and unique weapons that can be obtained by meeting certain requirements and defeating special enemies.
As of now there are 3 weapon rarities
Legandary: Mostly story driven or boss drops these weapons give a good boost to a specific stat nothing more they can easily give you an edge for awhile.
Exotic: These weapons are secret all i can say is they come with abilites

Mythic: These weapons are the strongest but there is a catch......
here are some weapon concepts as of now
Seven Moons (Sword): Grants 30 Atk Use ability: a special version of heal that can only be used on the user.
3 Scarred Days (Ring): Increases Crit by 20 Use Ability: Boost 1
Wolves Howl (Lance): Increases Atk by 30 Use Ability: Aura
Scaramouche (Lance): Increases atk by 20 Use ability: Desoul Bonus: Laser eye range if possible
------------------------------------Battle changes-------------------------------------------------
If its anything about shining force 1 that irritated me is the fact that the battles were too easy/too short we are fighting an army right? It always bugged me that Runefaust version of an army was 10 guys lol. I am well aware of the limitations of both the game and the editor so it will be tricky to remedy this but my idea is to add more enemies that will appear like reinforcements as the battle progresses enemies will also be tougher you will need to use everything at your disposal in order to win. There will also be Mini boss like enemies that drop alot good gear for your team.
I do plan on double updating today so expect more beans to be spilled later today.