- Fixed a bug with the EXP given by status spells
- Added the ability to import/export settings as text
- Added descriptors for the effects of difficulty levels
- Increased the price of buffed stat boosting items
- Ninja palette bug seems to be fixed
- Slimy Ooze/Dark Jelly battle sprite corrected
- Toadstool map sprite corrected
- Expanded Special Properties
- Fixed messages for status effects being applied
v4.0.1 (2/10/2025)
- Fixed bug with item shop inventories being broken
- Implemented a couple of checks to make sure the patch is applied
Please note that 4.0.0 requires a new .ips patch, included in the updated download!
Special thanks to Nakuri for providing a great deal of playtesting as well as many of the new enemies.
> Randomizer
-- ROM and Log files will now append the seed used for generation by default
-- Character palettes will now be consistent when using the same seed with the same settings
-- Added the Special Properties section for randomizing with special codes
-- Protagonist Controls section added
--- Protagonist class can be set direcly, or forced to be/banned from being a flying class
--- Powerful Protag option added for an easier experience
-- Shuffle Join option totally reworked
--- The Force can be randomly made up of any character that has a portrait in SF1 and Bowie, Sarah, and Chester from SF2
---! More characters will be added in the future
> Gameplay
-- Custom difficulty slider added
-- Added the ability for bosses to scale with custom difficulty
-- Better boss AI option added
-- Modified stat calculation
--- Increased base variance across the board
--- Added Weighted Growth option
-- Poison can be set to deal damage equal to 20% of a unit's maximum HP
-- Status spells can be set to increase or decrease the associated stat by 1/3 rather than a set value
-- Status spells can be set to give EXP to the caster
-- Enabled EXP Overflow
--! In the future this should become possible to enable/disable
-- Healing now grants more EXP
--! In the future this should become possible to enable/disable
-- All classes can now gain EXP from healing
> Characters
-- Base ATT of MONK, RBT, WRWF, and DRGN increased
--- MONK: [11 -> 14]
--- RBT: [10 -> 12]
--- DRGN: [10 -> 12]
--- WRWF: [14 -> 17]
-- Base MP of MONK, HEAL, and KNT (magic) increased
--- MONK: [8 -> 10]
--- HEAL: [9 -> 13]
--- KNT (magic): [2 -> 5]
> Enemies
-- Added map sprites for all enemies
-- Enemies modified
--- Blue Dragon reduced to Lv 45
--- Chimaera evasion reduced to match Blue Dragon
--- Troll ATT increased
--- Weed rebalanced
--- Kane name corrected
--- Laser Eye fires more frequently on higher difficulties
-- New enemies added
--- Huge Rat
--- Plague Rat
--- Dark Cleric
--- Green Gills
--- Chrome Dome (only appears with increased difficulty)
--- Soul Sower (only appears with increased difficulty)
--- Black Dragon (only appears with increased difficulty)
--- Missile (only appears with increased difficulty)
--- Enchanter (only appears with increased difficulty)
--- Gilaman (only appears with increased difficulty)
--- Sharpeye (only appears with increased difficulty)
--- Infernal (only appears with increased difficulty)
--- Added Slimy Ooze (only appears with increased difficulty)
--- Added Dark Jelly (only appears with increased difficulty)
--- Added Toadstool (only appears with increased difficulty)
--- Added Fungoid (only appears with increased difficulty)
--- Added Kaiser Krab (only appears with increased difficulty)
-- The Aquatic movement type has been modified to eliminate enemies with this movement type getting stuck
> Magic
-- Success rate of status spells greatly increased (defaults to 70%)
-- Spells modified
--- Flare 3 range reduced
--- Flare 3 range now displays properly
--- Flare 4 damage reduced
--- Sleet 1-4 range changed
--- Sleet 1-4 damage increased
--- Added Bless spells
--- Added a second level to Boost, Shield, Detox, Dispel, and Sleep
--- Sleep, Slow, Dispel, Quick, and Boost have modified ranges and costs
-- Modified spell learning
--- Mages can no longer learn Quick, Dispel, Detox, or Heal
--- Healers are now more likely to learn Aura
--- Healers are now more likely to have more spell variety (odds are better distributed)
--- Aura, Slow, Quick, Shield, Boost, Flare, and Bolt can now be learned significantly earlier
--- Spell learning parameters have been heavily modified; more or less reworked completely
-- Enemy casters can now have Sleet
> Items
-- BDMN/SKYW characters can now use axes
-- Added an option to modify the behavior of stat-boosting items
-- Items modified
--- Priest Rod is now only usable by HEAL and VICR and has a normal attack; it can be Used for Heal 1
--- The Bronze Blade is no longer cursed
--- Added the Power Bracer
--- Added the Shield Bracer
--- Added the Goddess Tear
--- Added the Mystic Liquor
--- Added the Flail
--- Added the Magic Armor
--- Removed the Wooden Sword
--- Decreased the odds of finding Healing Seeds
-- Item shops modified
--- Most items can now be found in any item shop rather than based on game progression
--- All item shops are now guaranteed to sell Medical Herbs and Healing Seeds
-- Item distribution modified
--- The Guardian Staff can now appear earlier
--- The Drizzle of Cure can no longer appear in shops
Please note that 3.1.1 requires a new .ips patch, included in the updated download!
- Shop inventories should no longer be bugged
- Chests in battles should no longer give strange coin amounts
- Palettes for custom weapons should be corrected
Originally this was supposed to be 3.0.2, with only minor changes and bugfixes, but I got carried away.
Enjoy some new weapons and shop randomization!
Full changelog below.
Please note that 3.1.0 requires a new .ips patch, included in the updated download!
- Shops can now be randomized
- Randomized chests can no longer be empty
- Starting stats for pre-promoted units have been reduced
- Land Effect bug fix and automatic item passing have been added
- Magic upgrades
-- Removed the spellcaster limit
-- SDMN/HERO units properly appear with Egress rather than Heal
-- SDMN/HERO units have an expanded spell list
-- RBT/CYBG units have an expanded spell list and exclusive access to the new Blitz spell
-- KNT/PLDN units have a 20% chance to have an expanded spell list
- Item upgrades
-- Re-added Shield as a Use effect for the Devil Lance
-- The three legendary swords can now all be used by SKYW, SMR, and NINJ units
-- Added the Mobility Bracer, Wooden Sword, Bronze Blade, Critical Edge, Hatchet, Tomahawk, Volant Axe, Short Arrow, Flame Arrow, Heavy Rain, Priest Rod, Running Rod, Guardian Sword, Steel Spear and Hell Spear
- (Bugfix) Characters shuffled into Adam's position should now join properly
- Crit and enemy level display added to status screen
- Lost Soul enemy DEF increased: 25 -> 29
- Scurvy Sailor poison chance increased: 25% -> 75%
- Changed some water enemy slots in Battle 15 and Battle 17 to flying enemy slots to prevent softlocks when those enemies cannot reach you
- Adjusted enemy spawning
-- Dark Elves have been adjusted to appear slightly later
-- Level 21 Dark Mages have been removed from the enemy pool
-- Level 40 Chimaeras have been removed from the enemy pool
- The ranges of Static 3 and various levels of Flare and Siege have been adjusted
- Revised class randomization
-- MGCR class can no longer appear before chapter 4
-- YGRT class can no longer appear unless using default class distributions
-- A max of four HEAL characters can be generated, rather than 8 between the two types of healer sprites
-- Domingo, Musashi, and Hanzou should no longer appear as unpromoted HEAL units
- (Bugfix) Enemies in the Laser Eye battle should no longer be able to be spawned as much easier than intended