The _README file, when read, clearly states that the .ips patch must be applied to your copy of the game with a patcher program before the randomizer is used.Yes. I had no idea what to do about it
On that note, I'm assuming you had new content planned for v4.0.0, such as throwing knives for sword wielding classes.
I understand that, but v4.0.0 will be much bigger with added custom enemies and items.The _README file, when read, clearly states that the .ips patch must be applied to your copy of the game with a patcher program before the randomizer is used.
While I do have new content planned for the next update, it doesn't include throwing knives. Sorry!
Please note that 3.1.1 requires a new .ips patch, included in the updated download!
> Randomizer
- ROM and Log files will now append the seed used for generation by default
- Character palettes will now be consistent when using the same seed with the same settings
- Added the Special Properties section for randomizing with special codes
v4.0.1 (2/10/2025)
- Fixed bug with item shop inventories being broken
- Implemented a couple of checks to make sure the patch is applied
Looking good, Tyadad. And yes, SFCD is considered in this randomizer come v5.0.0 and beyond.Tyadran updated Kindan No Hako with a new update entry:
v4.0.0 Release
Read the rest of this update entry...