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You have to patch an unmodified bin file.so having an issue with getting the mod to work for the .smd file for Shining Force, any chance I can get a bit of help
You have to patch an unmodified bin file.so having an issue with getting the mod to work for the .smd file for Shining Force, any chance I can get a bit of help
First of all congratulations on your mod which is excellent at passing. I'm currently taking care of translating the games into French. And I would like to know that you did to integrate your name in the presentation.
Thank you in advance
Best regards
Thanks, making changed to the story, some more subtle than others makes the overall experience much more enjoyable. SFA2 is currently under development, but it'll be a long while until it gets finished since it'll be much more ambitious than even this project.Hi I just recently finished playing your mod. I'm 29 and have been playing the Shining Force games since I was a kid, like I've literally beaten both of them way more times than i could count, with all sorts of different mods too. I haven't played any of them in years though and with the start of quarantine I was bored and found your mod! It's been a total blast to play it's very familiar to SF1 and yet almost feels like a brand new Shining Force game! I really like all the dialogue changes frankly I feel like it's objectively better than the original. Anyway just wanted to say thank you for all the hard work!
The portrait change was something I would like to address, but it's more of an technical issue which can be resolved relatively easily by just making both portraits are the same.Hello Erikin,
Enjoying myself immensely playing this mod of yours. Currently on v2.1F. The new playable characters and altered story, along with its twists, truly reawakens my nostalgia. The characters interactions are just so much fun!
Just some questions/observations:
The Maxine portrait (promoted) I have is the image below. Not sure if it's supposed to be like that. I quite liked the portrait in the overview instead xD
View attachment 4595
The in-battle sprite for Elliott before his promotion is AMAZING! wow...! Just wanted him to remain that way, is all.
Loved the changes to the area of effect with spells and skills the characters got. None of the characters are left to the wayside and contribute so well to the overall team. Been a joy to play!
Sometimes the game glitches after an attack and causes it to go to a darkscreen, but is easily remedied with a save state.
Like everyone here, and those who lurk too, I am eagerly awaiting your work on SF2.
Thanks very much! And keep trucking!
I am curious to what was causing your black screen, let me knowThe portrait change was something I would like to address, but it's more of an technical issue which can be resolved relatively easily by just making both portraits are the same.
As for Elliott, have to agree. His un-promoted form is bad ass(Credit to MrtheNoronha who made that set).
As for the glitches, it may depend on the emulator you're using. I know of a glitch that used to do that, but it shouldn't be an issue as it had to do with using a vertical charge(why Varios' charge abilities only go diagonal or horizontal)
I recommend using Kega Fusion on PC and Retroarch if you're playing on an android. Thr main reason is those are what seem to work the best. SFA is an expanded rom, meaning some emulators may not be able to handle running it.Hello, I signed up here just for this game. I watched a little bit of it recently on a livestream and it looked fantastic. I've been a Shining fan since I was a kid so this is perfect to mix it up.
Unfortunately, the game seems to crash immediately for me, when it comes time to rename Maxine, when running it on anything other than Kega Fusion.
I dumped my personal cartridge and the patch worked fine, otherwise.
Is the mod not compatible with actual hardware via everdrive or burned eprom?
I assume it's too much for old PicoDrive to run it on my PSP haha (edit* it does work with Picodrive 1.5! And retroarch on mobile)
No matter what, this really is super impressive. Great work.
Sometime by the end of this week, I anticipate release thr next update to this mod. It covers just about everything. Graphics, dialogue fixes and refinement, balance tweaks, slight changes to the story, etc.
I am very excited to get it out to you all. Stay tuned!
Hello everyone.
The update to SFA will be delayed due to some new things being implemented that will require further testing/implementation to ensure everything is working as intended.
This is normally why I don't post any timeframes that any update would be released. I apologize if anyone was expecting to play the update today.
I assure you, once the update is released, it'll be worth the wait![]()